Studio artists

Studio artists

The Corridor salon at Spike Island Open Studios 2024. Photograph by Dan Weill

Spike Island is home to over 70 independent artists at different stages of their careers and working across all types of media.

The studios

Our professional studios are subsidised, making them accessible to artists who would otherwise find it difficult to afford workspace.

We have a combination of individual and shared studios. All our studios are secure, and can be accessed 24/7. As well as a place to work, our studios provide a vibrant creative network — allowing you to forge new collaborations and gain peer support.

As a Spike Island studio holder, you’ll also have the chance to make national and international connections with our visiting artists and residents.

Studio Bursaries

We are now offering Bursaries to support artists who are currently underrepresented in the sector and our community:  those who are people of colour, identify as D/deaf, disabled or neurodivergent, or come from a disadvantaged socio-economic background. Eligible applicants will be entitled to a 25% discount on studio rental costs for the full term of their lease (five years). We will ask you to specify if you are eligible for the Bursary when submitting your application.

Studio artists are also eligible for discounted membership of Spike Island Associates, our network of artists, curators, designers, writers and producers at all stages of their careers

Current studio artists

Apply for a studio

Apply for a studio
Two people on right hand of photo backs turned looking at art in an artists studio.

Art In Motion

Studio 45
An composite artwork by Cliff Andrade featuring a range of disparate images including family photographs, an image of Jesus Christ, pencil sketches and trees.

Cliff Andrade

Studio 110

David Chalmers Alesworth

Studio 27
A table set up for board meetings sits in an otherwise empty room with walls made of glass. It seems this room is the tallest for miles.

Peter Bobby

Studio 102a

Alice Farrington

UWE Fine Art Graduate Studio 26
Image of wooden sculpture on table

Harriet Bowman

Studio 44
Louise Bradley's studio (2021), photograph by Rebecca Goldman

Louise Bradley

Studio 84

Tom Chamberlain

Studio 103

Katy Connor

Studio 99
Two people sitting down with filled bright gloves attached to their bodies

Conway and Young

Studio 19a

Victoria Coombes

Studio 33

Stephen Cornford

Studio 82
Photograph: A car window overlaid with a diagram of a pyramid.

Annabelle Craven Jones

Studio 32
Oil painting: Long wide brushstrokes have been used in the centre of the canvas.

Theo Cuff

Studio 76

Vivienne Baker

Studio 100

Alexis Over-Papatzaneteas

Dreamtime Fellow 2024 Studio 26

dhaqan collective

A photograph of a man using recording equipment next to a level crossing. A car crosses the level crossing in a blur.

Matt Davies

Studio 97
Eleanor Duffin, A Phantom Limb (2020) Installation view, MIRROR Gallery, Plymouth, UK. Photograph by Garry Loughlin

Eleanor Duffin

Studio 31

Steve Dutton

Studio 36

Samuel Fordham

Studio 81a
Bryony Gillard, I dreamed I called you on the telephone (2021)

Bryony Gillard

Studio 80a
Martyn Grimmer

Martyn Grimmer

Studio 92

George Harding

Studio 91b

Amy Coaten

UWE Fine Art Graduate Studio 26

Rodney Harris

Studio 37

Michael Hayter

Studio 35
Two mechanical rowing oars bolted on the wall

Esther Hesketh

Studio 19c

Colin Higginson

Studio 45

Mary Hurrell

Studio 94A
Young In Hong, To Paint the Portrait of a Bird (2019) Metal cage, video projection, wood, sound

Young In Hong

Studio 22
Carol Jackman, Our Rivers II (2017), screenprint

Carol Jackman

Studio 101

Valda Jackson

Studio 94
Marcus Jefferies, The Wilderness Tower (2020), steel, wood, reclaimed corrugated tin, Sharpham, Somerset

Marcus Jefferies

Studio 39

Olivia Jones

Studio 30

Bea Kayani

Studio 111

Éilis Kirby

Studio 95

Carol Laidler

Studio 79

Bo Lanyon

Studio 31
Jo Lathwood, Getting There (2018) Recycled timber. Installation at Fabrica Gallery

Jo Lathwood

Studio 41
Philippa Lawrence, Stack (2020)

Philippa Lawrence

Studio 21

Angela Lizon

Studio 104
A collection of repeated photographs black and white photographs, alternating between a photograph of a torch and a hand covering the torch, spelling out morse code.

Garry Loughlin

Studio 78b

Natasha MacVoy

Studio 24
person draped in chiffon curtain standing against window holding two babies in each arm.

Amak Mahmoodian

Studio 110a
A blue and white patchwork quilt made up of diamond, squares and triangle shapes, hangs on a white gallery wall. Six frames are also hung on that wall - three on top of the patchwork quilt.

Andrew Mania

Studio 102c
A collaged image of a deer in a field. The deer is made from various photographs of butchered meats.

Vic Moreton

Studio 105

Huma Mulji

Studio 42

Max Naylor

Studio 106b
A 23 Trachyte plug of Esk Crater

Milo Newman

Studio 91c
Mahali O’Hare, Shopper (2020) Oil on canvas, 120 x100cm

Mahali O’Hare

Studio 96

Pia Pack

Studio 106A

Kate Parsons

Studio 38
Three abstract blobs on a dark background coloured in blue and orange. The orange is to the top left of each blob, each blob has a centre darker blue spot.

Laura Phillips

Studio 80b
Abstract image created using oil paint on canvas

Myrna Quiñonez

Studio 83
Joel Redman, Farm Land, Cape Town - “Day Zero” (2021)

Joel Redman

Studio 107

Phil Root

Ben Rowe_Lost in Time & Space_2018

Ben Rowe

Studio 43
Image of Vicky Smith's work re:exposure

Vicky Smith

Studio 82

Hannah Hornby

UWE Fine Art Graduate Studio 26
Colourful, curved tubes are suspended in air. A woman studies them.

Seamus Staunton

Studio 25
A print of a photograph of an amphitheater. The print is made from chalk on blackboard.

Emma Stibbon

Studio 93

Michael Swann

Studio 81B

Iris Thorsteinsdottir

Studio 109
Film still: A large black rectangle obscures most of the image. Behind the rectangle it looks as though a car is on fire.

Charlie Tweed

Studio 102b

Veronica Vickery

Studio 98

Libby Bove

Bath Spa Fine Art Graduate Studio 26
Black and White photograph of artist Kamina Walton in motion in front of wall of logs.

Kamina Walton

Studio 77
John Wood and Paul Harrison, This is the painting I was telling you about (2020) 91cm x 61cm, oil on board

John Wood and Paul Harrison

Studio 28

Nicholas Wright

Studio 85