Amy Coaten

Amy Coaten

Amy Coaten, 'Ladders', piece two (2024)

Studio 26



Amy Coaten graduated with a degree in Fine Art and Writing from UWE Bristol in 2024, and is currently undertaking a Graduate Fellowship at Spike Island.

Coaten is a multi-disciplinary artist and writer working with metal wire and kinetic energy to produce interactive sound installations. During her degree, she developed a unique knitting technique to create flexible wire sculptures that use contact microphones to transpose and amplify sounds. For Coaten, the work is a vehicle to explore public interaction and dialogue with the installations, while also questioning human automation and rituality in art.

In addition to these installations, Coaten creates sculptures that engage with the advertising industry, exploring visual representations of parenthood and child-rearing, as well as the use of the written word in relation to speech impediments. Her writing is a deeply self-reflective process, examining both her artistic practice and personal experiences, including living with a stutter.

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