Chop Chop is the story of a hapless young chef in the crazed world of the professional kitchen, featuring lust, revenge, neurosis and haute cuisine. Two months behind on his rent, a young graduate swallows his dreams and takes the only job he can find: the lowest-rung chef in a gastropub. Here he finds himself surrounded by a group of deranged hoodlums (his co-workers) and at the mercy of an ingenious sadist (the head chef, Bob). What follows is a furiously-paced, ribald, raucous and unexpectedly touching tale of loyalty and revenge, dark appetites and fading dreams.
“At its best, food is a sensory pleasure that also fosters less tangible joys. At its worst, to paraphrase one of the many vivid characters in Simon Wroe’s first novel, “Chop Chop,” watching someone eat is like watching a body convert food to waste right in front of your eyes. ”
– Michelle Wildgen, The New York Times
Simon Wroe
Simon Wroe is a former chef who writes about food and culture for Prospect and the Economist, and has contributed to a wide range of publications including The Times, Guardian, Telegraph and Evening Standard. He is 30 and lives in London. This is his first novel.
Novel Writers
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