Opening hours Gallery: Wednesday to Sunday 12–5pm Café open: Tuesday and Sunday: 10am–4pm, Wednesday to Saturday: 10am–5pm.



Amelia Hawk in collaboration with Roux Burroughs, Eden Leo, Saffron Murray-Browne and Lily Serendipity, 'Searching for a space that cares', Spike Island and Creative Youth Network Engagement Commission 2024. Photography by Saffron Murray-Browne
Listen: Conclusion

There is no one way to conclude if we have found a space with the possibility to care. The answer is complex and nonlinear. It is multiple and personal. In this free flowing conversation we muse over our journeys to find a place that might care. We touch upon safe space vs caring space, our relationship to nature, rest, relationships,  ritual, aloneness. We share multiple insights and multiple perspectives.

We recorded the conclusion over three periods of reflection. In the first we feel positive towards a space that may care. After a pause we began reflecting inwardly and facing some of our rawer, more honest feelings. In a time when the world’s safe spaces feel like they are shrinking, when marjanlised bodies especially queer and trans bodies are facing hostile politics, when our kin are ravage by genocide, that caring space feels distant. We have found it hard at times to find this softness when the world feels hard, and our relationships to care are messy. But there is hope, caring spaces can exist. Our objects, totems, environments and loved ones can be the small humble gifts within our hostile world to enable possibilities for care. This conversation opens up our thoughts and allows you inside our reflections. It gives no definitive answer but opens the door to exploration.

In solidarity and love with Palestine, Sudan, and all those facing the unimaginable suffering of genocide. In solidarity with Trans and Queer bodies and all those facing hostile politics. We stand with you, we see you. 


Amelia, Eden, Lily, Roux, Saffron