Chantal Akerman: From the East

The Cube Microplex Cinema

Chantal Akerman: From the East

The Cube Microplex Cinema

Chantal Akerman, 'From the East' (1993), film still. Courtesy Fondation Chantal Akerman



Join us at The Cube cinema for a screening of Chantal Akerman’s From the East (1993).

Following the demolition of the Berlin Wall, Chantal Akerman captures the reality and mutation of former Soviet territories, shot from summer through to winter in a series of travelling shots or with a static camera.

From East Germany to Moscow, passing through Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, she records the bodies and faces of the anonymous masses, their expressions unreadable, either walking or simply waiting for who knows what. She films buildings, landscapes, snow, and nightfall, and offers a mass of visual and aural impressions that constitute a bewitching, impressionistic poem.

From the East is shown at The Cube cinema on the occasion of Ayo Akingbade’s exhibition Show Me The World Mister.

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    Read about The Cube’s accessibility information here.


The screening is organised in collaboration with Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique.