Baby Art Hour

Baby Art Hour



Led by artist Éilis Kirby, these monthly sessions in Spike Island Café are for under fives and their carers. Come play with colour, shape, texture and learn easy ways to create, using simple methods and materials.

  • Baby changing facilities

    We have baby change facilities available. These are situated in our gender-neutral toilet facilities.

  • Art materials used

    All materials used in Baby Art Hour are non-toxic and washable.  If your child has allergies, your discretion is advised.

  • Popularity

    Baby Art Hour is a very popular monthly event – unfortunately we are unable to extend the capacity due to our space limitations. We feel it is important to host Baby Art Hour in the café as this is a highly accessible area of our site. Unfortunately this means we do regularly sell out – we would advise signing up to our mailing list so that you can receive notifications when new events are announced.

  • Supervising your child

    It is your responsibility to supervise your children at all times while you are at Spike Island.

  • Siblings

    The workshop is designed to appeal to children aged under five years. If children of other ages need to attend alongside, we would advise bringing alternative entertainment for them. If you intend for your child to participate in Baby Art Hour, you need to book them a ticket.