Opening hours Gallery closed until 7 February, 6pm Café open: Tuesday and Sunday: 10am–4pm, Wednesday to Saturday: 10am–5pm.


Spike Island receives a grant from the Arts Council England and DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

Denzil Forrester, Itchin & Scratchin (2020) Installation view, Spike Island, Bristol. Works courtesy the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London. Photograph by Max McClure

Spike Island receives a grant from the Arts Council England and DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

Spike Island is pleased to have been awarded £61,158 by Arts Council England and DCMS as part of the Culture Recovery Fund (second round), which will support our recovery and aid us to transition back to a sustainable model over the next three months. The grant enables us to safely reopen our galleries with a major solo exhibition by Veronica Ryan: Along a Spectrum and support freelance art workers to help us to produce and install the show. It will also ensure that Spike Island can continue to support our community of artists and creative businesses by remaining open and operational throughout this period, despite the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the cultural sector as a whole.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Arts Council England for their continued support of the arts throughout the pandemic, without which we would have been unable to continue championing exceptional contemporary art and supporting artists from all backgrounds to develop, produce and present innovative new work and ideas.


Find out more about the government's grants to help the culture and heritage sectors reopen and recover.

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